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Dobrinjska 11, 11000 Belgrade
+381(0)11 3613 409
Pavičić Nikola
Mr. Pavicic started a successful business career at Sintelon in 1974 as the CEO of the company. His career was marked by major changes in the socio-economic and political system in the former Yugoslavia and other countries in the region where Sintelon operated, followed by the changes in market conditions as well. We can see now that the decisions he made at crucial moments were the best ones. At that time Sintelon was transformed from a labor-intensive manufacturing company into a modern, efficient and renowned company focused on development, production, marketing and sales of floor coverings in the markets of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. With the aim of expanding the business in the Russian market and CIS in general, decisions were made under his leadership to set up joint ventures in Russia and Ukraine. Thanks to his decisions, his visionary and reformist leadership, Sintelon became a recognized and respected leader in the floor covering business throughout the Eastern and Southeastern European markets. During the 1990s, Sintelon was successfully transformed from a "socialist model" into a joint stock company, completely owned by the company's employees and retirees. The expert public refers to the privatization of Sintelon as one of the best realized privatizations in Serbia.

In 2002, under his leadership, a joint venture with the company Tarkett was established, after which Sintelon took up, as a part of Tarkett, the position of the world leader in the floor covering business. The merger led to a seven-year accelerated development of the company, during which more than half a billion euros were invested in Serbia and other Eastern European countries. During the entire time of his management, the company recorded above-average results, focusing on: employee safety and satisfaction, corporate management, shareholder interest, at the same time enormously contributing to local community development.

Nikola Pavicic was a member of the Initiative Board and the first president of the Association of Serbian Joint Stock Companies founded in 1999, and Sintelon is its long-standing member. During its eight years of operation, the Association has made a great contribution to protecting shareholder rights, preserving the achieved level of privatization and developing a corporate culture in order to bring Serbia closer to the European Union. Its members initiated the establishment of the Serbian Association of Corporate Directors in 2007 with the mission to improve the quality of corporate and public management in Serbia. Nikola Pavicic is the founder ofthe Serbian Association of Corporate Directors, the Chairman of the Commission for admission of new candidates and members, and at the same time a member of the Executive Board.