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Dobrinjska 11, 11000 Belgrade
+381(0)11 3613 409
Stevanović Nikola
Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
Prof. Nikola Stevanovic, PhD, is a retired full professor of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, where he defended his master's thesis and doctoral dissertation. In undergraduate studies he taught the courses in Management Accounting and Costing Systems. In postgraduate studies he taught several courses in his field of study. He has published several books, among which the most important ones are: Maintaining a Real Enterprise Substance in an Inflationary Economy, Management Accounting, and Costing Systems. He has co-authored several books in accounting and business finance. He is the author of over hundred papers for symposia, articles in scientific and professional journals, reviews, etc. He has managed or participated in the development of numerous fundamental and applied studies and projects. He is a member of the Presidency and the Executive Board of the Serbian Association of Economists and the Deputy Editor of the journal Ekonomika preduzeca. He undertook major activities in the Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors. He managed the drafting or participated in the preparation of a number of laws and by-laws governing accounting and auditing.