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Uzelac Vida
European Policy Centre - CEP Belgrade
Vida Uzelac is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Serbian Association of Economists and a member of the Serbian Association of Corporate Directors. She was a longstanding member of the Presidency of the Serbian Association of Economists. 
Currently, she is an Associate at the European Policy Centre - CEP in Belgrade and serves as the coordinator for Negotiating chapters 4 and 9 in the National Convention of the EU.
Born in Belgrade, she graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics and is fluent in English.
Her career began at the Chief Administrating Agency of Yugoslavia and later continued at the Agency for Clearing and Settlement of Yugoslavia. In 2000, she joined the National Bank of Yugoslavia (later National Bank of Serbia) where she organized and established the institution of Central Securities Depository and Clearing House of Serbia (CSD & CH). In 2003, the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House of Serbia became an independent institution, and she assumed the role of director and later President/Member of the Board.
During her tenure, she successfully established and developed an independent regulatory institution, defined rules and procedures in compliance with domestic legislation and international standards. She facilitates the membership of Central Securities Depository and Clearing House of Serbia in international securities associations and served as a member of the Board of Directors of European Central Securities Depositaries Association (ECSDA). From November 2013 till July 2014, she served as the acting director of the Privatization Agency of Serbia. Additionally, she was a member of the Supervisory Board of the Public Enterprise Ski Resorts of Serbia.
Her professional activities extend to participating as a lecturer for the Brokerage course organized by Securities Commission, the Council of Europe’s Project on Criminal Assets Recovery in Serbia, and serving as OSCE expert on the project Fight against organized crime and corruption. She is a Member of Women’s Government of Serbia, non-profit organization that promotes women in high professional positions in the public sector. Furthermore, she has published papers in academic journals of business, economics and management and actively participated in international and domestic conferences.