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Belgrade Young Economists Conference
In cooperation with the UniCredit Foundation and UniCredit Bank, Serbian Association of Economists and Serbian Scientific Society of Economists, the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, organized a two-day international conference entitled Young Economists Conference on June 23rd and 24th. The conference was established in 2011 with the aim of supporting young researchers from all over the world in their further academic development.

This year, the competition of PhD students and recent graduates from leading international schools was stronger than ever. Eleven papers were presented at the conference. The UniCredit Foundation Best Paper Award was split between the following two papers: “Search in Markets with Uncertain Product Availability” by Atabek Atayev, PhD student at the University of Vienna, and “Automation and the Displacement of Labor by Capital: Asset Pricing Theory and Empirical Evidence” by Jiri Knesl, PhD student at the University of British Columbia.

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