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International Symposium on Corporate Governance
In cooperation with the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka and with the support of the Association of Accountants and Auditors of Republic of Srpska, the “Finrar” magazine organized the 15th International Symposium on Corporate Governance titled “Potentials for Surging Changes in Small Countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The Symposium was held in Banja Vrućica from June 16th to June 18th at the “Kardial” hotel. The Symposium is supported by numerous partners, one of the most important ones being the Serbian Association of Economists.

More than sixty authors and coauthors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia tried to provide answers to the question of how the coronavirus pandemic affected the economies in the region, as well as of the changes that the economy is expected to face in the upcoming period. The pandemic’s impact has far exceeded the sectors of health and economy and it also opened up questions of social systems organization. The convention also saw discussions of the pandemic’s impact on the banking sector, corporate affairs, as well as fiscal and monetary policies as instigators of economic flows.

Representatives of the Serbian Association of Economists took active part in the Symposium.