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Regional Summit of Finance Ministers, Governors and Tax Administration Directors Ends
The Regional Summit of Finance Ministers, Governors and Tax Administration Directors entitled “Financial and Monetary Stability of the Region in Conditions of Slower Economic Growth in the Euro Area” was held from June 13th to June 15th, 2019 in the Splendid Hotel in Bečići. Traditionally, the Summit represents the largest annual regional financial and monetary gathering aimed at developing dialogue and improving cooperation among all financial institutions in the region. Thanks to vehement support provided by our hosts, we expect this cooperation to expand to other areas of mutual interest. We hope that the future organization of this event will substantially contribute to opening new prospects for the development of the whole region in more stable conditions.

The two-day work included the organization of four panels dedicated to fiscal consolidation, economic recovery, public debt, tax administration reform, gray economy, advantages and disadvantages of the arrangements granted by the International Monetary Fund and the effects of membership in the European Union. The Summit was attended by around 200 participants – representatives of the ministries of finance, central banks and tax administrations from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Republic of Srpska, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia, bankers, businessmen and other financial experts from the region.

The next Summit is planned to be held from June 11th to June 13th, 2020.