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Regular Assembly Session of the Serbian Association of Economists
The 44th regular assembly session of the Serbian Association of Economists (SAE) was held on June 6th, 2018 in the Nikola Pašić library. The following documents were adopted at the session: the Report of the Supervisory Board on Financial Operations and the Annual Financial Statement for 2017, which was previously submitted to Assembly delegates. Mr. Aleksandar Vlahović, SAE President, presented the Work Report and Plan of Activities for the following period.

In accordance with the Statute and program orientation, SAE activities include scientific and expert activities, publication activities, cooperation with associations of economists and collective members and other similar activities.

SAE President invited representatives of associations to suggest initiatives for organizing round tables and other events with the aim of intensifying cooperation between SAE and regional associations.

At the end of the meeting, the decision regarding establishing unique annual membership fee for collective members was adopted.