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XXV Jubilee Kopaonik Business Forum Ends
The 25th jubilee Kopaonik Business Forum, entitled “Beyond expansionary austerity: What Serbia’s economy should do to transfigure fiscal stability into sustainable growth”, was held from March 4th to March 7th, 2018 at the Grand Hotel Congress Center on Kopaonik. This year’s Kopaonik Business Forum included 22 panels, 3 plenary sessions, 6 special events and 3 special addresses, dedicated to the most current topics, such as digitalization, education, creative economy and development of science, while central topics were traditionally dedicated to structural reforms, restructuring of state-owned enterprises, finalization of privatization, conversion of good macroeconomic conditions into sustainable growth, investments and geopolitical position of Serbia and its pace of progress toward integration with the EU. The most important conclusions and recommendations of four-day constructive discussion and work will be summarized in the document “Kopaonik Consensus” and sent to relevant institutions and companies. That will be our contribution to designing plausible and efficient policies with the aim of continuing the economic transition of Serbia in a swifter and high-quality manner.

The Forum was traditionally organized by the Serbian Association of Economists and the Serbian Association of Corporate Directors, in partnership with Mastercard, which will also be the partner of the Forum in the following three years, thus providing the organizers with additional stability in raising the quality of this event. As in previous years, the patron of the Forum was the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia.

Kopaonik Business Forum gathers renowned experts and eminent names of the domestic and regional economic and political scene. In the past 25 years, the main topics reflected the moment in which the Forum was organized, having as a mutual component persistent insisting on a rapid and efficient economic transition, i.e., on the necessity of efficient reform of the public sector. The goal of the organizer is to build a platform for a reasoned and constructive discussion and critical analysis of what was done, as well as for a conceptual definition of sustainable economic policy. By organizing this year’s Forum, with over 140 keynote speakers and panelists, 1,200 participants, 130 accredited journalists from the country and abroad, we achieved our goal and confirmed once again that Kopaonik Business Forum is the most important event of this kind organized in Serbia. Just as the World Economic Forum in Davos is a reality check of its own kind at a global level, Kopaonik Business Forum is a place where the results of our country’s economic policy are summarized between the two Forums. Over the past years the Forum has acquired a strong regional dimension.

The Forum has exceptionally echoed in the public. In addition to the statistical increase in the number of announcements in domestic and regional media, the reports on this year’s Forum recorded a significant positive publicity increase. The survey conducted among the Forum participants confirmed its high quality and reputation among expert public.

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